Self-Reflection: Questions to ponder before you begin your Konmari journey

The very first step of the Konmari Method is to take time to dream & manifest the ways that you want to live in your space. With a clear picture of what you want your life to be like, you’ll be in a better position to determine what “sparks joy”, which I consider a shorthand for asking “Is this in alignment with the life I want to be living?”

There are many avenues for doing this kind of self reflection, the inner work of dreaming that will help inspire you to move forward. Choose an avenue that feels like a fit for you – here are some ideas:

  • Soul Collage, Desire Map, The Secret
  • Dream journaling & manifestation
  • Writing an intention or statement of inspiration
  • Creating an inspiring pinterest board

A simple exercise:

Here is a simple exercise I developed to help clients form an inspiration prior to working with me as a coach – You can use these or tweak these questions so that they feel right. You may wish to journal your responses:

Part 1: Checking in

Clutter can be an external manifestation of what is going in in your internal space. Consider the following:

a) What am I grateful for in my life?

b) What thoughts or feelings are cluttering my internal landscape?

c) What might be holding me back, that I am ready to let go of?

Part 2: My space

a) Imagining my home environment is limitless: How can my space support my ideal lifestyle?

b) How do I wish to feel when I am at home?

c) How is my space going to feed me, rather than drain me?

Part 3: Inspiration

To create an intention or inspiration, highlight core gems or keywords in your writing that you might use to form a simple statement that can inspire you and help bring focus if you lose your momentum.

A great intention uses positive, affirming language as if it is happening now, rather than in the future. An example inspiration that was used by a past client, based on ideas that resonated for them:

“With gratitude for my health and abundance, I am creating a valued sanctuary that is clear, light, and free.”

If you’re not a wordsmith, you might create a piece of art or a dream board that can sum up or represent how these questions make you feel.

This statement or art piece can then be put somewhere prominent to help inspire you through the process of the Konmari Method. It is something you can reflect on before each tidying session, or refer back to if you feel overwhelmed along the way.

3 thoughts on “Self-Reflection: Questions to ponder before you begin your Konmari journey

  1. Pingback: How choosing what "Sparks Joy" helps us become better decision-makers - Tidy Tim

  2. Pingback: Making social media Spark Joy - Tidy Tim

  3. Pingback: How a personal inspiration can help you manifest an extraordinary life

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