How to organize your supply closet at work

Let’s talk about applying the KonMari Method™️ in the workplace to organize bulk supplies like cleaning products.

In the home, I wouldn’t recommend having a stockpile of supplies like extra soaps and toothbrushes, but when it comes to business, we’re often buying in bulk and going through more materials than one would at home.

So, how to organize these items that you need so much of?

1. Does it Spark Joy?

Throw out the old and damaged items, and if something does not spark joy, discard it! That old dust pan that has been in the business 20 years and everyone complains about? It might be time.

A particular brand of cream cleanser is not loved by your staff? Encourage them to research a better version of the product — sure, use up what you have, but be open to making changes with future orders so you can improve your overall output.

2. Evaluate order frequency and appropriate storage:

Think about how much you purchase at one time. Do you buy a box of 12, 24, 60? Choose an appropriate storage space that will fit just that amount. Empty the box into the space and commit to regular restocking points – how empty will you allow the cabinet or shelf to get before you make a reorder?

3. Style your shelves

In the KonMari Method, we recommend storing things in a pleasing, uplifting way. Even your supply cabinet can make you feel happy when you see it!

When you have many duplicates of a given thing, you can tweak recommendations from the method by putting duplicate items all in a front facing row. This way you can see choose which product you’re looking for, you’ll always grab the one that’s already open, and you’ll know which items are running low.

5. Treat “back of house” spaces like “front of house” spaces.

Do this for your own joy and that of your staff. The added bonus? If a client wanders into a “staff only” area by mistake, you’ll only be beaming. “I know! Isn’t our stock room beautiful???”

5. Commit to “Putting it back where it goes”.

This will help maintain the organization in the long run. It may take some training, or you may need to identify this as a company value.

It’s about consistency and accountability. Create a workplace culture where everyone is accountable to return things to the condition they were in when a task began. Leave things better than you found them. It might feel like pulling teeth at first – but once this is implemented your team will be happy it is!

What do you think?

I know this is a bit of a niche post – but I’m hoping somebody finds it helpful! Do you have any advice of your own to share below?

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