Now offering Virtual Sessions

Well, we are in very interesting times indeed.

The good news – and I like to shine a positive light on things, is that many of us have received a gift of time.  Time with loved ones, time to work on projects, time to rest and restore.

Personally, I was working in overdrive before we were called to start physical distancing – and I hadn’t had time to do much Tidy Tim stuff.  I was actively engaged in two community musicals, working away at Northern Edge Algonquin, taking swimming lessons and personal training, and I was at a point where I didn’t have time for my personal projects.

Now, I’ve managed to complete my written homework for the end of my year-long Yoga Teacher Training, and I was able to finally dive in and finish those Konmari checklists I’ve promised.  Oh!  I also got a new logo designed.  Do you like it?

Now, I believe there is a collective grief we are experiencing in these strange times.  I fully appreciate and understand if you are in survival mode – coping, catching up on Netflix and reading.  I was there for a good week and a half before I felt a yearning inside to get things done that I’ve been meaning to do.

I am with you, wherever you are at.  If you’re just looking for things to do, ways to keep active, and you’re starting to think about spring cleaning – I would like to be able to support you.  I am now available for virtual sessions.

“Now that we’re home more often, it gives us the opportunity to look at our belongings with fresh eyes,” – Marie Kondo, on a Zoom call I participated in today.

What’s Involved?

These will be a bit different from our regular in-person sessions.

My goal will be, in short sessions of approximately 45 minutes, to help you fine tune your goals, consider your next steps.  Whether you are starting the process from the beginning with Clothes, or are well on your way, I’ll offer the same learnings and tools that I would offer during a regular session, but we will work on smaller categories together so that it will be easier for you to manage on your own.

I am happy to conduct these sessions via Zoom, Skype, and Facetime.

They will be “pay what you can” for the time being.  I don’t want cost to be a barrier for anyone.

Contact me today to arrange your virtual session!


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